Organic farming, as the name suggests, describes food and fiber production methods that are built on ecological principles. It is more important to describe organic farming by what it is than by what it is not, even though organic farming is best recognized for what it is not. Proactive, ecological management techniques that preserve and improve soil fertility, stop soil erosion, foster and increase biological variety, and reduce risks to the health of people and animals as well as the environment are what constitute organic farming. Vegetables, fruit, cereals, meat, dairy, eggs, fibers, flowers, and many other types of agricultural products are produced organically.

In India, practicing organic farming is not new and it dates back thousands of years. This farming method’s main goal is to cultivate the land and grow crops in a way that maintains the soil’s life and health through the use of biological materials, such as crop, animal, and farm wastes, and aquatic wastes, and the beneficial microbes which functions like biofertilizers to release nutrients to crops for increased production that is sustainable in a pollution-free, environmentally friendly environment.
The foundation of organic farming
There are mainly three main foundations of organic agriculture and those are:
Sustainability: The purpose of this approach is to minimize negative influence on the environment while making effective use of natural resources.
Biodiversity: By promoting biological diversity, organic farming techniques build a robust and balanced environment.
Food quality: Food grown in organic way is typically higher in nutrients and devoid of chemical residues.
After studying the pillars, it’s time to examine how organic farming is actually carried out. Many methods are used by organic farmers to keep the soil healthy, manage pests, and create high-quality food. Crop rotation, the application of organic fertilizer, and the incorporation of animals into the agricultural system are a few of these methods.
advantages of organic farming
Considering the environment
When it comes to ecology, organic farming is far less harmful than conventional agriculture. There is less pollution of the water and land when artificial fertilizers and pesticides are avoided. Furthermore, organic agricultural practices support biodiversity, which keeps ecosystems in good condition.
Regarding well-being of human
In general, organic products are healthier. They frequently have higher nutritious contents than their traditional counterparts and are free of chemical residues. Furthermore, Organic Agriculture can enhance community health by fostering a cleaner environment.
In regards to the local economy
Organic farming helps the local economy to grow by lending support to organic producers. These farmers frequently sell their goods locally, keeping the money in the area and boosting the local economy.
High level of demand
India and other countries have a significant demand for organic products, which increases export revenue.
Organic products are healthier, tastier, and richer in nutrients than ones made with chemicals and fertilizers.
Using sustainable resources and conserving soil and water are key components of organic farming methods. It all begins with healthy soil. A properly blended soil improves the health of crops and livestock, lessens the likelihood of illness, and boosts agricultural output in general. Animal waste, compost, cover crops, green manures, and crop rotation are among the common methods organic farmers employ to control soil quality, which encompasses not only the soil but also water, weeds, diseases, and pests.
Compost is an organic material that is successfully used in farms and home gardens. It is composed of decomposing organic wastes that is spread across garden beds and fields of organic farming. For instance, these things are taken into account:
Yard trimmings: leaves, grass, and wood chips
Food waste: leftover fruits and vegetables, tea bags, coffee grinds
Manures: cows, horses, and chickens
Composting can help in creating nutrient-rich, wet soil by encouraging the growth of beneficial bacteria and fungi. It can also help to eliminate or reduce the need for artificial fertilizers.
The quality of the soil can be improved by cover crops as well as green manures. Farmers can select from an array of cover crop plants according to the needs of their fields. Plants are cultivated with the goal of benefiting the soil and the primary crops on the farm.
Overall, for keeping the soil healthy and to safeguard the soil’s surface from wind and water erosion, cover crops are being used, to preserve the soil’s structure, and helping in preserving the soil’s organic matter content. Green manure is also a cover crop that is planted with the purpose of filling up the soil with nutrients. The manure is being plowed into the soil, which enhances the amount of organic matter in the soil.
In order to deter pests and prevent weed growth, cover crops are often used in place of traditional insecticides. Have you ever observed that a bare part of your lawn seems to always be overtaken by weeds? Wherever there are no competing plants, they thrive. Where weeds would prefer to settle, cover crops take up room. By providing an alluring and appetizing alternative, cover crops are intended to both attract helpful pests like ladybugs to the field all year round and discourage undesirable pests from feeding on the primary crops.
One tactic used by organic farmers to maintain soil fertility is crop rotation. For instance, an organic farmer would plant wheat in a field this year, graze sheep on it the following year, and then plant a cover crop of clover the following year. Mono-cropping is the practice of growing the same crop on the same piece of land year after year without adding any new nutrients. This can cause the soil to become unhealthy.
disadvantage of organic farming
- Intensive conventional agriculture harvests higher yields than organic agriculture. As a result, the yield of extremely demanding crops is excessively low, and the energy input increases compared to the unit of crop production, such as potatoes, grapefruits, and horticulture crops.
- Produce farmed organically frequently has lesser quality because of insect damage, whereas conventional agriculture uses less fertilizer and pesticides.
- Heavily dependent on nutrients obtained from animals.
Future of organic farming
It appears that organic farming has a promising future! Customers are putting more and more pressure on their grocery shops and dining establishments to serve organic food as they become more aware of its advantages. The organic sector is expanding quickly as a result. To boost yields and cut expenses, organic farmers are also growing more creative in their approach and using new tools and techniques. Thus, we should anticipate seeing even more delectable organic alternatives on shop shelves in the years to come as the demand for organic products rises.
Use organic fertilizer such as vermicomost, cow dung compost, cow dung powder, and jivamrut for organic farming.