Cold pressed oil is getting popular day by day and it becoming the most used commodity in the kitchens. Cold pressed oil is used for making different types of dishes like salad, snacks and main course. Hence, it is vital to choose the right oil and required nutrients and vitamins that is needed to take care of your wellbeing. Therefore, if you are searching for a healthy oil for cooking and other purposes, then cold pressed oil is the best option for you. It is believed to be hundred percent natural since it does not have any preservatives or chemicals. There are many advantages cold pressed oil.
What is cold pressed oil?

One of the most important things about cold pressed oil is the process of its extraction and making. Cold pressed oil is obtained by crushing the seeds with mechanical press and using low heat method. There is a big cylinder where the seeds are being crushed constantly till the oil is completely extracted. The process does not involve any harmful chemicals and preservatives, maintaining naturalness of the oil. The process involves no refining methods and can be used right after filtration and extraction.
Why is Cold Pressed Oil good for Health?

There are various research that cold pressed oils are not only provides basic nutritional requirements but also additional health benefits. Apart from health and nutritional benefits, cold pressed oils can also improve the skin tone and it also gives a distinct flavor to the food. Here are some of the top advantages of cold pressed oil that you can get from cold pressed oils.
Helps in cholesterol
Since extraction of cold pressed oil involves minimal heat, which allows the nutrients to stay. This includes the qualities of weight loss, since these oils are quite easy to digest, mainly due to their low cholesterol levels. By using cold pressed oils, it makes the apt choice for your heart health. While controversial, some studies suggest that Cold Pressed Coconut Oil, when consumed in moderation, may have a neutral or even positive impact on cholesterol levels
Have abundant essential nutrients
Cold pressed oils have many health benefits owing to its rich vital nutrient level. It comprises rich nutrients such as antioxidants, lecithin, vitamins, and phospho-lipids. This nutritional content is way beyond the content that you shall find in the regular oils. It is mainly due to the meticulous extraction process through which cold pressed oils are being obtained. The process helps in retaining the vital nutrients which are generally lost due to the extraction of traditional and refined oil.
No harmful chemicals or additives
Usually, traditional and refined oils are mainly extracted by using different types of chemicals like hydroxide, sodium, hexane, bleaching agents and additives. On the contrary, cold pressed oils goes through a organic extraction procedure, obtaining them without the use of any harmful chemicals such as propyl, gallate, BHT and BHA, preservatives which are commonly in present in other oils.
Improving immunity
Cold pressed oils is believed to help in reducing cell damage which can be caused by free radicals within the body. This can be because of the presence of antioxidants and high vitamin E level in the oil. Due to this, cold pressed oil helps in improving the immune system which aids in providing health benefits.
Skin and hair wellness
Apart from rendering other health benefits, cold pressed oils can also be beneficial for your hair and skin. When you apply cold pressed oil, they can act like an external barrier protective shield for your skin and hair from harmful impact of radiation and UV rays. The cold pressed oil also acts like an important ingredient for formulated sunscreens. The chemical-free composition helps in making a it a safe for baby massages, which spotlights on its goodness and usefulness.
Read Blog – Cold Pressed Oil vs Refined Oil